What Goes with Chicken Noodle Soup: Best Pairings

When the chilly winds blow or when you’re feeling under the weather, there’s nothing quite as comforting as a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. But as delightful as it is, soup alone might leave you craving a bit more. That’s where the art of pairing comes into play, turning a simple meal into a feast for the senses. In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of what goes with chicken noodle soup, exploring classic sides, comforting additions, healthier options, and even some fun and unconventional sides to elevate your soup experience. From the crunch of a perfectly toasted bread to the fresh crispness of a garden salad, we’ve got all bases covered. So, let’s embark on this culinary journey and discover how to transform your chicken noodle soup into a heartwarming, full-fledged meal.

Introduction to Chicken Noodle Soup Companions

what goes with chicken noodle soup

The Comfort of Chicken Noodle Soup

Ah, chicken noodle soup, a timeless classic that warms the heart and soothes the soul. It’s like a warm hug from the inside, especially on those days when you’re feeling a bit under the weather or when the temperature outside takes a dip. But let’s face it, even the most delicious bowl of soup can sometimes feel a little lonely on the table.

Enter the world of soup companions – those delightful sides that not only complement the flavors of your chicken noodle soup but also turn it into a more satisfying meal. Whether you’re looking for something to dip, something to crunch, or even something to contrast the warm, savory broth, the right side dish can make all the difference.

So, what exactly goes with chicken noodle soup? The answer is quite a lot, actually! From the buttery crunch of garlic bread to the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of a grilled cheese sandwich, the possibilities are as endless as they are delicious. But we won’t stop there; we’re also exploring some healthier options and fun twists to ensure there’s something for everyone.

So, grab your spoon, and let’s dive into the tasty world of chicken noodle soup pairings, where every bite is an adventure and every pairing is a chance to turn a simple meal into a memorable feast.

Classic Side Dishes for Chicken Noodle Soup

Crusty Breads and Sandwiches

Is there anything more satisfying than the simple pleasure of dipping a piece of crusty bread into a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup? The crunch of the bread, combined with the savory broth, creates a symphony of flavors and textures that’s hard to beat. Whether you opt for a rustic sourdough, a hearty whole grain, or a classic baguette, bread serves as the perfect sponge to soak up all that delicious soup.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich – A Timeless Pairing

Speaking of dipping, let’s talk about the quintessential soup companion – the grilled cheese sandwich. This gooey, cheesy delight is the stuff of comfort food dreams. The crisp, buttery exterior gives way to a melty cheese center, making it the perfect sidekick to your chicken noodle soup. And the beauty of a grilled cheese sandwich lies in its versatility. Feel free to experiment with different types of cheese or add a slice of tomato or some bacon for an extra flavor punch.

Pretzel Bread – A Unique Twist

For those looking to venture beyond the traditional, why not try pretzel bread as a companion to your chicken noodle soup? Its unique, slightly salty taste and soft, chewy texture make it an intriguing alternative to regular bread. Plus, the hint of saltiness from the pretzel bread can complement the flavors of the soup in unexpected and delightful ways.

In this section, we’ve explored just a few classic side dishes that pair beautifully with chicken noodle soup. But the journey doesn’t end here. Stay tuned as we continue to delve into more comforting additions, healthier options, and even some fun and unconventional sides to accompany your beloved bowl of soup. Each pairing is a chance to elevate your meal from good to great, transforming a simple bowl of soup into a culinary adventure worth savoring.

Comforting Additions to Warm You Up

When the chill sets in or when you’re in need of some extra comfort, these warm and hearty additions are just what your chicken noodle soup needs to transform it into the ultimate comfort meal.

Potato Puffs for a Delightful Crunch

Imagine biting into a light, crispy exterior to find a soft, fluffy potato center – that’s the joy of potato puffs. These little balls of happiness are not only a hit with the kids but also add a playful texture contrast to your chicken noodle soup. Whether you choose to fry them for that irresistible crunch or bake them for a healthier option, potato puffs can turn your soup meal into a fun and filling experience.

Sweet Potato Fries – A Sweet and Savory Treat

Sweet potato fries bring a delightful twist to the table with their sweet, earthy flavor and crispy texture. They offer a colorful and nutritious side that pairs wonderfully with the savory depth of chicken noodle soup. Baked to perfection with a sprinkle of sea salt and perhaps a hint of paprika, these fries add a vibrant and wholesome dimension to your meal.

Cheesy Rollups and Pinwheels

For a side that’s as fun to eat as it is to make, consider cheesy rollups or pinwheels. These bite-sized delights are made by spreading cream cheese on tortillas, adding your favorite fillings, and rolling them up into perfect little spirals. Slice them into pinwheels for an easy-to-eat, cheese-filled treat that’s sure to be a hit. The creamy texture and burst of flavor from each rollup provide a delightful contrast to the warm broth of your chicken noodle soup.

These comforting additions are all about bringing warmth, texture, and a little bit of playfulness to your chicken noodle soup experience. Each option offers a unique way to enjoy your meal, ensuring that every spoonful of soup is accompanied by a side that’s just as heartwarming.

Healthy Sides to Balance Your Meal

Vegetable Panini – A Light and Nutritious Choice

Introducing a vegetable panini as a side to your chicken noodle soup can elevate your meal to new heights of health and flavor. Imagine a warm, grilled panini stuffed with vibrant vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, and spinach, perhaps with a spread of hummus or a light touch of pesto. This not only adds a delightful crunch and variety of flavors to your meal but also boosts your intake of essential nutrients and vitamins.

Roasted Vegetables – A Rainbow on Your Plate

Roasting vegetables is a simple yet effective way to unleash their natural sweetness and enhance their flavors. From the earthy tones of roasted carrots and parsnips to the slight char on tender broccoli or Brussels sprouts, roasted vegetables can serve as a hearty and healthy companion to chicken noodle soup. Drizzle them with a bit of olive oil, sprinkle some herbs and spices, and let the oven do the rest. The result is a deliciously warm and comforting side that complements the soup perfectly.

Fresh Salads for a Crisp Companion

Don’t underestimate the power of a fresh salad to accompany your cozy bowl of chicken noodle soup. A crisp salad, whether it’s a simple mix of greens and tomatoes or a more elaborate composition with nuts, cheese, and fruits, can add a refreshing contrast to the warm soup. The key is to choose a light, tangy dressing that won’t overpower the soup’s flavors but will instead cleanse the palate and add a burst of freshness to your meal.

In this part of our culinary journey, we’ve delved into healthier options that don’t skimp on flavor or satisfaction. By incorporating sides like a vegetable panini, roasted vegetables, or a fresh salad, you can create a well-rounded meal that delights the senses while nourishing the body. These healthier pairings not only complement the heartwarming qualities of chicken noodle soup but also add color, texture, and vital nutrients to your dining experience.

Fun and Unconventional Sides to Spice Up Your Meal

what goes with chicken noodle soup

Peanut Butter Sandwich – An Unexpected Delight

Now, here’s a twist that might raise some eyebrows but trust us, it’s worth a try. Pairing a simple peanut butter sandwich with chicken noodle soup can be a game-changer. The creamy, nutty flavor of peanut butter contrasts beautifully with the savory broth, creating a unique taste sensation. It’s an easy-to-make side that brings a touch of whimsy and comfort to your meal. Give it a go, and you might be pleasantly surprised by this unconventional duo.

Pigs in a Blanket – A Comforting Classic

Pigs in a blanket, those delightful little sausages wrapped in dough and baked to perfection, are not just for parties; they make a fantastic side for chicken noodle soup too. The savory sausages and the golden, flaky crust offer a satisfying bite that pairs wonderfully with the soup. They’re fun to eat and can add a playful element to your meal, making it especially appealing to kids and the young at heart.

Onion Rings – A Crispy Treat

For a side that adds both crunch and flavor, consider serving up some homemade onion rings alongside your chicken noodle soup. The crispy, golden breading encasing tender, sweet onions creates a delightful contrast in textures and flavors that can elevate your soup experience. Dip them in the broth for an extra flavor kick, or enjoy them on their own as a crispy, savory snack.

In this segment, we’ve ventured into the realm of fun and unconventional sides that can add an element of surprise and delight to your chicken noodle soup meal. From the unexpected pairing of a peanut butter sandwich to the playful indulgence of pigs in a blanket and the crispy satisfaction of onion rings, these sides prove that sometimes, thinking outside the bowl can lead to deliciously rewarding experiences.


What are the best vegetables to serve with chicken noodle soup?

When considering vegetables to pair with chicken noodle soup, think about those that complement or contrast the soup’s flavors. Firstly, root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, and turnips add a sweet earthiness that harmonizes with the savory broth. Next, leafy greens such as spinach or kale can introduce a touch of bitterness and a wealth of nutrients. In addition, cruciferous veggies like broccoli or cauliflower add crunch and depth. Ultimately, the key is to choose vegetables that will enhance the soup’s comfort factor while contributing to a well-balanced meal.

Can chicken noodle soup be a main dish?

Absolutely! Chicken noodle soup can stand proudly as the main course, especially when it’s loaded with hearty ingredients like chunks of chicken, a variety of vegetables, and plenty of noodles. To transform your soup into a more substantial meal, consider serving it with one or more of the sides discussed in this article. By pairing your soup with the right accompaniments, you can create a filling and satisfying dining experience that caters to all appetites.

How can I make my chicken noodle soup and sides more filling?

To make your chicken noodle soup and its sides more filling, focus on adding ingredients that contribute both flavor and substance. Incorporate protein-rich additions like beans, lentils, or chickpeas into your soup or sides. Consider whole grains such as quinoa or barley for a nutritious boost. Cheesy or meaty sides, like grilled cheese sandwiches or pigs in a blanket, can also add heft to your meal. And don’t forget about fiber-rich vegetables and salads, which can add volume and satiety without overwhelming the delicate flavors of the soup.

In this FAQ section, we’ve tackled some common queries about pairing sides with chicken noodle soup, turning it into a main dish, and making the meal more filling. By considering these tips and ideas, you can ensure that your chicken noodle soup meal is not only delicious but also satisfying and balanced, catering to a range of tastes and dietary preferences.

Wrapping Up Your Perfect Meal

Final Thoughts on Pairing with Chicken Noodle Soup

As we conclude our culinary journey through the delightful pairings for our soup, it’s clear that the possibilities are as vast as they are delicious. From the comforting embrace of classic sides like crusty bread and grilled cheese sandwiches to the refreshing contrast of salads and the innovative twists of peanut butter sandwiches or pigs in a blanket, there’s a world of options to explore.

The key to the perfect pairing lies in balancing flavors and textures that complement the comforting warmth of chicken noodle soup. Whether you’re in the mood for something crunchy, something cheesy, or something fresh, the right side dish can transform your soup into a meal that’s not only nourishing but also deeply satisfying.

Remember, the best meals are those that bring joy and comfort, and with these pairings, your chicken noodle soup is sure to do just that. So go ahead, experiment with these suggestions, mix and match your favorites, and most importantly, enjoy the process of creating a meal that’s uniquely yours. After all, it’s the love and care we put into our food that makes it truly special.

Thank you for joining us on this flavorful exploration of what goes with chicken noodle soup. May your next bowl of soup be accompanied by the perfect side, turning a simple dish into a memorable feast that warms the heart and delights the palate.

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